The adult movie actor known as Steve driver had been reported dead after he was being chased by police. He killed his fellow actor Tom dong who even worked in Steve Driver movies last week. The victim was killed by a samurai sword and later fled away from the crime scene. The police have been searching him since the murder because he was reported to be the prime suspect in the killing of the adult movie star. The warehouse where Steve driver movies were produced was his only place to live and he was demanded to leave the warehouse because of his low performance. The investigation team tracked down his vehicle and was on the loose for couple a days.
He had produce Steve driver movies through the Ultima records and even updated the online database of adult movies. The loose killer finally found his end when he was being chased off by the police and jumped
from a cliff. The killers literary made a suicide after he couldn’t negotiate with the police. The police issued a warrant of arrest fro him for a murder and another attempt to murder case. He had even injured two other people while killing Tom Dong. The situation became a little complicated for the adult movie star after he was asked to leave the warehouse and find somewhere else to survive. The killer fell from a fifty meter cliff after being stung with a taser. The police officials tried their best to negotiate with him and kept on trying till eight hours but it all came to an end.